Journey with the LORD

Sharing God's LOVE for the mankind

Author: Joseph (page 12 of 15)

Tricks from the evil ones

If you have slipped, a thought may come to you saying, “Ahh see now you’ve screwed up. You might as well keep on sinning.” That’s a trap. Don’t wallow in self-pity or self-condemnation. Now, pick yourselves back up and keep on going. Repent and ask God to forgive you. Also ask God to give you a renewed strength to avoid slipping again.

Or another thought might come to you saying, “Ahh you’ve screwed up. Now you need to do good deeds to make up for what you did.” That’s a trap of trying to do good deeds to atone for your sin. We cannot atone for our own sins. Jesus Christ sacrificed his life to atone for our sin. Our sins are washed away! We just have to believe in His sacrifice for our sin. His blood for our sin.

Or a thought saying, “Oh you cannot escape from your addiction.” Rebuke that thought! God can rescue you from anything. He has parted Red Sea for Israelites, transformed Saul the persecutor into Paul the evangelist. Surely His hand is not too short for anything. If you have faith, then ask Him to rescue you from a miry pit. Just believe even though your deliverance might not come right away. Believe. Just Believe!

While we cannot do anything good on our own, we can lean on God to give us the strength and ability to be good. Let us follow Jesus! Allow Jesus to transform your heart. He can fix what is broken within ourselves.

Marks of True Christians

Marks of True Christians from Romans 12:12:9-21
– Genuine Love
– Abhorring evil
– Loving one another with brotherly affection
– Showing honor
– Don’t be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit
– Rejoicing in hope
– Patience in tribulation
– Constant in Prayer
– Contributing to needs of the saints
– Showing hospitality
– Blessing those who persecute you
– Rejoicing with those who rejoice
– Weeping with those who weep
– Living in harmony with one another
– Don’t be haughty
– Don’t be wise in your own sight
– Repaying no one evil for evil
– Living peaceably with all
– Never avenge yourself, but leave it to the wrath of God
– Giving your enemy something to eat or drink if the enemy is hungry or thirsty
– Don’t be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good

Uptick in Spiritual Attacks

In the past week, I’ve noticed a huge uptick in spiritual attacks to which I’ve done a lot of rebuking and scripture quoting to remind myself of the promises God gave me. At first I didn’t realize it was a spiritual attack, but then I realized it was when I saw how concentrated and repeated these intrusive thoughts were, which made me think it came from the evil ones. Perhaps it’s a time of testing to see how I would stand?

There came a barrage of thoughts trying to invoke unforgiveness inside me related to past. People who’ve sinned against me popped up repeatedly in my thoughts, one after one with very specific actions. I kept on rebuking these thoughts and said that I forgave anyone who sinned against me. God forgave me so therefore I will forgive anyone else. Anytime these thoughts came up, I wielded forgiveness as my arrows shooting against these negative thoughts. And even when I didn’t have strength, I can always call my GOD to give me the strength to do so. I chose not to be defiled with unforgiveness and will clothe myself with forgiveness instead!

Then there were thoughts trying to show my unworthiness, showing how people have rejected or overlooked me. Of course, pain came though me, but I rebuked these thoughts saying God loves me very much and that He will never leave or forsake me. I refused to let these thoughts bring me down. I can let them go and then focus on moving on and enjoying my life. I reminded myself that Jesus was rejected and overlooked so he probably felt hurt as well. In response, I wrote a poem to God showing my love hoping that even my small attempt at loving Him will please Him (see earlier post on Songs of Love).

Also, there were thoughts that tried to invoke self-condemnation within me, showing my sins from the past. I rebuked these thoughts as well, saying that the Blood of Christ washed away my sins and I am forgiven. I am new creation in Christ! I told myself that I am not tied to the past and what matters is I can learn from the past to do things differently for better. In addition to that, I cling to the faith that He will raise my corruptible body into incorruptible body with Christ reigning my heart!

Finally, there were doubting thoughts saying that God isn’t there, and I rebuked that quite strongly saying that I will wait upon the LORD and for His perfect timing. It is HIS timing not my own timing! He is always with me, whether if I’m asleep or awake. Even when I may not feel his presence, He is always there. So I will make sure I cling on His garment tightly and never let go.

So in short –
Arrows of forgiveness to shatter unforgiveness,
Balm of love wiping away unworthiness and rejection,
Blood of Christ washing away self-condemnation,
And finally, helmet of salvation to protect myself from doubts and confusions.

O Jesus, Lead us onward

Mark 8:22-25
22 And they came to Bethsaida. And some people brought to him a blind man and begged him to touch him. 23 And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and when he had spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, “Do you see anything?” 24 And he looked up and said, “I see people, but they look like trees, walking.” 25 Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.

How loving! A beautiful picture of you leading a blind man by the hand. Utterly dependent on you and yet trusting in you. You are faithful and very loving. You treat us with utmost care and tenderness.

O Jesus, lead us onward,
Lead us onward with your gentle, tender, and loving hand,
Let us hold tightly onto your hands.

Helen Keller (famous blind-deaf person) with Anne Sullivan in 1898. Licensed in the Public Domain.

Helen Keller (famous blind-deaf person) with Anne Sullivan in 1898. Licensed in the Public Domain.

Songs of Love

Let us dance!
Let us blend our songs together,
Songs of love, dedication and steadfastness.

Round and round we go,
Under swirling lights in a dimmed room.
Dancing with loving embrace,
My right hand tenderly holding your waist,
My left hand gently embracing your head.
See the gentle light flickering slowly across our faces,
Watch as the time slows with our eyes locked in loving gaze.
Round, round, and round we go,
Dancing away without care in the world.
Watch as our songs become one!

How can we understand the depth and width of your LOVE, O LORD?
I can feel the fierceness and protectiveness of your LOVE.
It is enduring and never-ending.
Nothing can stop you from loving us.
Teach me how to love as you love,
For my capacity to love is not as great as yours!
Teach me, O LORD.
So that my capacity to love can increase,
And to be drenched in your LOVE ,
And to be overflowing with LOVE,
So I can give you my LOVE and share with others!
Teach me, O LORD to love you as you love me.

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