Journey with the LORD

Sharing God's LOVE for the mankind

Flowing like a Water

Relax & Unwind

His Bride flows like a water,
Swift yet gentle.
His Children are like a wind,
Not knowing exactly where they’ll go!
That’s where we take it in faith,
If God says GO THERE,
We go there.
If God says STAY HERE,
We stay here.
Oh, let’s take His command in FAITH!
Even though we may not understand it at first.

But do we dare to trust God?
Isn’t God’s way higher than man?
His thoughts higher than man?
Yes, see how we dared to trust in GOD!
See how we flow effortlessly like a water,
See how we move like a wind.
Surely nothing man-made could contain God,
Nor His Children!

Watch out for trappers of the soul!
They want to put us in a box,
To restrain, confine and restrict us.
No, no, and no!

God has set us free!
Who could contain a mighty river?
Who could control a strong gust?
Watch how God gather all little streams together,
And see how God turns them into a mighty river!
Overflowing with His everlasting LOVE!

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